Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Come with me to New England!

Last Thursday I headed up to New Hampshire to visit with my daughter Brianne and I thought you may like to tag along as it was an incredible 4 days with lots of pictures. This was a weekend that couldn't possibly have been more perfect, the weather, the excitement and of course the treasured time with my daughter. 

So, off we go!


My route of choice is up through New York and into Vermont, then crossing over into the Lakes Region of New Hampshire.  Have you ever taken pictures while you're driving? Not recommended, but rather necessary when you're on your own, so please forgive the shots through the windshield.

Route 7 N in Vermont is such a beautiful and welcoming sight with black eyed susans in abundance and the mountains ahead.
Up and over those magnificent mountains, all the ski lodges and maple sugar shacks coming into view. Oh and don't forget the 'Moose Crossing' signs. No moose, just signs. At this stage I think that there may be one moose in all of New England and he's traded back and forth between Vermont and New Hampshire. I can't tell you how many hours my daughter and I have spent sitting in bogs hoping to see even just a glimpse of a moose. We now call them 'Unimoose' as they seem to be more of a fairy tale than reality.

After about 5 hours driving I cross over into New Hampshire for lunch at Mickey's in Enfield N.H. My daughter and her husband meet me there for their oh so good Lobster Corn Chowder. No counting calories on this trip! Mickey's is a great family friendly place with a menu that will surprise you for sure.

It's become a tradition for Bri and I to go to this totally hidden away gem and bead store in Enfield by Crystal Lake. (Background music from Friday the 13th) Gemstar Gemstone 427 Shaker Boulevard Enfield, New Hampshire. They have everything imaginable for the serious jeweler to the hobbyist.
Outside the shop are these wonderful towers of Amethyst.

There is such a huge inventory of gems that I can't begin to remember half of their names so I'll just show you a small sampling. If you know what they are then perhaps you could leave a comment for everyone else. Of course nothing is as breathtaking as seeing these stones in person but it will give you the idea.
This is the walkway, filled with smooth round gemstones. Every home should have one just like this!
Piles of immense crystals!

Giant chunks of Rose Quartz

Tables full of stones in their natural form.

I believe this is Citrine.. gorgeous!
Not sure, but I think this could be Azurite.. such a deep rich blue!

Stones scattered everywhere in amazing colors
If you can pull yourself away from the wide array of stones outside, then let's go inside to the jeweler's paradise.

It's a rather small store, but it's packed to the rafters with every conceivable bead, stone, (semi precious and precious) pearls and findings.
I managed to keep within budget both for myself and the Biff believe it or not. :o)

Off we go to Bri's house past the Shaker Museum

and later on the Smith River.
It's such a lovely, peaceful reflective river.

Just a few miles down the road we arrive at Bri's house to sit (after 6 hours of driving) quietly in her lovely new gazebo. I'd love to sleep out there but there is a Fisher Cat hanging around and I think a visit from him would send me flying into the house... or out of my mind... one of the two. ;o) There are many audio video recordings of Fisher Cats online, as it's one of the most eerie and blood curdling sounds you could ever hear in the middle of the night.

A snack and a spooky movie and I'm off to bed (inside).... in anticipation of tomorrow (Friday). An unbelievably perfect day ... wait till you see!

All best,


Janet Baskerville said...

Great post Biff. I can't wait for the next installment... Bri's gazebo is just dreamy!

Cait said...

I am so glad I finally got to see all the pictures after hearing your stories! Love every part of it- feel like I was there with you guys!!!

Sharmon Davidson said...

That gem and bead store looks like pure heaven to me! And what is a fisher cat?