Firstly, I need to apologize to Mr. Ketcham because I spelled his name Ketchum yesterday.. oops!
If you read the previous post then you know the whole story about Ketcham's Store so I won't repeat it. Soooo... when I got home from the Stormville Flea Market and showed the spool cabinet to my husband and told him what I'd paid he was blown away. He loved it! And... he said why didn't I buy more??? Got me thinking then... hmmm.... do I go back to Stormville and hope that the dealer still has the goods? Nahhh... too much money.
Then the following morning I was telling my Dad about the spool cabinet and all the other exciting things that were from Ketcham's Store. Of course he remembered clearly going there and was excited for me. He too said... go get it... you were born in Mountainville... it's your history... you have to have it!
We hung up and I thought it over for hmm ... about 30 seconds and called the dealer to see if he still had it .. bracing myself for disappointment. But no... no disappointment... he still had it!!! He saved it for me and actually delivered it right to my house the next day. And here it is!

I've got the cash register from Ketcham's Store! Isn't it magnificent? The details are a complete work of art. It's called 'The Dolphin' by the National Cash Register Company and it's all brass. I want to keep the patina the way it is and not polish it. They really are magical when all polished up though if you have a look online. I found 3 wheaties pennies in the drawer too!
Look at the amazing detail on all sides. There was beauty in everything made years ago, not the utilitarian look that we have now. I love it!

And.... as if that and the spool cabinet weren't enough... I had to buy the embossing tool too that Pam and Janet were testing out. As it turns out Mr. Ketcham was a Notary, and this was his stamp. It's cast iron and I'm not sure if it's a dog head or a lion head with the stamp in its mouth.
So that's it.... all my treasures from Ketcham's Store. I will never part with them.. they are so very special to me. A part of my past.. my history... and Mr. Ketcham's Store.
Bff, I am so happy for you!!! You hit the jackpot of treasures and how cool that they are a piece of your past. I can't stop smiling... :)
Oh my goodness! It is brilliant. I bet you are as pleased as punch!!! It is a work of art and something to really treasure. Suzie . xx :)
Oh that is beautiful! You lucky thing.
I Love the Stamp!
Ooh - lucky you! The register is in great shape too. Another fabulous find
I once restored 1 just like that for a customer - took FOREVER
Oh you got the stamp, too...
FaBuLouS... Love the cash Register, I am sooo
glad you got it!!!
You have completely blown me away. Wow, that cash register is jaw-dropping. What a beauty! We had one in our house when I was growing up. My mom kept our lunch money in it...I have always wanted to get another. And the rotary have really found some treasures. I am so happy for you! You made the ultimate find, do you know that? Fabulous antiques in their own right with a piece of your own personal history. Bravo!
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