We left bright and early yesterday morning to meet Pam at the Stormville flea market to hunt for treasures to use in our art work. Oh my! Over 600 vendors from 8+ states. I'm sure we didn't see more than 1/4 of it. Fortunately they have it separated so the new stuff is grouped in one area and the antiques/collectibles in another so we could head right for the good stuff. What a great time we had! We lasted until around 2:30/3:00 when it got much too hot to do anymore. Personally I think I was in sensory overload by that time too. So much to see/evaluate/dicker over etc. This gives you an idea of one tiny area:

Here's Pam, intently studying some wonderful steel printing plates.

And this is poor Janet, looking so miserable, having a terrible time:

We got some great stuff... unusual stuff ... great prices for the most part. Here's a sampling of Janet's stash:

I'm thinkin' she might want to do something with spoons in the near future, what do you think?
And here is a bit of my stash for the day:

See those pretty little dice? They were a present from Miss Pam... thank you Pam!
And... AND..... oh.... no.... I think I'll save the best for tomorrow. Let me just say it's probably one of the most exciting, most incredible finds that I've ever purchased. How's that for a teaser? I am SO excited I can hardly stand it! :o)
No telling Janet and Pam!
Till then...
I sooooo wish i had gone, you guys found such cool things. till next week.dahlin
I accept cash and checks to keep my mouth shut... :)
That place looks fantastic: my favourite kinda day out!
Oooh, look at all those treasures.. and what
is our big surprise for tomorrow???? Great fun with and and Janet!
Terri... you ain't seen nothin' yet! ;O)
Jo... I'll bet you would have loved it... soooo much to see/buy!
Pam.... Now that's a friend... no clue what tomorrow's surprise is. :o)
And once again.. someone who shall go nameless should take a page from your book Pam. ;o)
Oh, I wish I was with you, looks like it was fun and you got some nice treasures too.
Maybe next time Kathy... if you are close by :o)
You look like you all had a wonderful time! Hmm... interesting though... no pictures of mom? LOL
what fun!
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