Janet, Pam and I went to the Rhinebeck Flea Market and of course found some great treasures. Janet finally found something that she's been wanting for a very long time, but I'll let her tell you about it. Pam got some lovely ephemera for her shadowboxes and theaters. I got all sorts of little odds and ends like watchmakers bottles, vintage buttons, old medicine bottles, a gorgeous little black portable typewriter from 1911 and some ephemera as well. There was one more rather large piece but I'm saving that for later when I have 'it' all fixed up. I love buying things that seem to have had a very rough life and restoring them to give them a new life and this was no exception.
I digress....
One piece of ephemera was a gorgeous little First Reader that I have decided to share with you. It was funny... the woman who was selling it got a very wistful look on her face as I was paying her and said she was hard pressed to part with it because she loves to collect anything with cats. ...
You know the Ikea commercial where the woman is dashing to the car shouting 'Start the carrrrr! ... Start the carrrr!' lol.... that was me!
And here it is... .so beautiful... yes? I hope you enjoy!

Ha Ha! i've got visions of the woman changing her mind and chasing after you as you screech of in a cloud of dust! Well at least it's gone to a good home!
What a sweet cover... love it!
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